
Posted by Matthias Lange on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 2:45 pm

On friday evening Apple has published the website containing all the posters presented at WWDC 2006 scientific development poster session. Podcasts are supposed to be published in the near future.

The abstract as well as the poster are also available on my publications website.


Posted by Matthias Lange on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 4:25 pm

we had to say two days ago to our beloved sandwich maker. Not because it wasn't working anymore, but because it was taken away by an inmate moving out. It turned out that this machine wasn't part of the kitchen's equipment, as thought by everybody, but it belongs to that inmate.

Within the last two month the sandwich maker was becoming a very handy and essential tool to prepare our meal. That's why on monday not only one was reacting like "Uh, where is the sandwich maker? It's gone? Damn!".

Fears that we'll have to starve from now on didn't came true, but preparing meal without waiting for a free slot on the sandwich maker isn't the same. We all hope that it will be honored and used in its new home like in our Comarch flat share.

For the curious

Posted by Matthias Lange on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 at 7:27 pm

I have just finished uploading a small selection out of my about 700 pictures taken in San Francisco. Enjoy them until I have finished updating my San Francisco website.

Today I have got a new taks for the remaining 2 1/2 weeks of my internship. On Friday I will present some open source trouble ticketing systems to the staff group. The last two weeks I will spend on implementing a proof-of-concept study of an interface standard for fault management software.

Back to Cracow

Posted by Matthias Lange on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 5:07 pm

Since yesterday I am back in Cracow. Since then I had to answer my mails from last week but it were two relatively quite days as today is a national holiday in Poland.

The return trip from San Francisco was everything else but relaxed. In London there was still pure chaos and the employees were overstrained. This in turn reflected in unpolite answers and behavior. Why four days after they have busted the terrorists they still had no signs in place for transiting passengers only London airport knows.